Girlfriend Social Reviews

Here are countless Girlfriend Social reviews from members just like you.
If you have had success and met some friends on Girlfriend Social, please take a moment to tell us your story!

Check out What Other Members Have Said...

"I met my best friend on GFS. We clicked right away and even though I have since moved out of town, we remain tight - I'm going to be her maid of honour! "

Medical Technologist

"On the positive note, I feel ever so grateful as I met through GS a few women and we enjoyed socialising outside but I feel surprised there are too many mature members here who lack a basic courtesy to respond to initial emails even if it was a rejection"


"I'm so glad I joined GFS although some ladies do not response to your requests in the beginning. I stayed on the site and now meet up with three lovely ladies. We meet up a once a month for a coffee or a meal and now we all enjoy our new social life. It is nice to know you can text someone and they want to respond."


"I've been using GFS for about a year now, and I absolutely love it! I have made a few friends from this website and I am so happy to have them a part of my life!"


"I met a great friend a few years ago on GFS. We were to meet for coffee for the first time and I got a flat tire - she came and helped me remove my tire and take the flat to get fixed!! So glad I met such a great person for my very first experience on GFS! :)"

A GFS Member

"Hello i totally recommend this site. i came into this site looking for some good penpals because i was lonely and the only freinds i had are my blind girlfriend and her friendds as well. but they are all in middle and highschool. So i decided to be advatangerous and do this to make friends the same age as me. or a little higher . An so far i have 4 friends i talked to. And 1 friend as the admin. i am so greatful i came to this site. i feel welcomed and very appericated by my friends. so far"


"I met one of my bestfriends on this site years ago and I love her. We live down the street from each other, we travel together, and even have home work dates. I don’t know what I would do without her."

A GFS Member
Project Manager

"I wasn’t very confident that I would meet a girlfriend when I got on this site. I not only met a girlfriend but she is the sister and daughter I never had. We have been getting together regularly and we have plans to travel when the covid is no longer causing restrictions. We both prayed to meet someone special and our prayer was answered. She is truly a blessing. "

Retired Federal Government

"I’ve met two people from this site . One in person and we have been friends since . It’s hard tho cuz we live in different towns . But still chat and keep in contact with "


"I don't have a lot of confidence in going to meet new people and nowadays you can't just go up to someone and say 'Hi would you like to be friends and hang out?' you get strange looks, already I've had some great people to chat with, who we are already making plans to eventually meet. I feel better than I did before and will be wonderful to meet some new people to socialise with other than with my partner! :) Thank you Girlfriend Social!"

A GFS Member
Teaching assistant

"I am new to GFS... but I feel very welcome here. It's hard to make friends in the rural community I live in, so I am giving this a try and i have had a few fun conversations so far. Excited to create lasting friends using this website!"

Truck Driver

"I'm reaching out and hoping to meet some new friends. I hope I get responses and maybe even some pen pals. Thanks very much"


"I have met a few friends on here that seem like life time friends! It’s easy to send a message and say hi , talk a while and meet up for drinks or food / hang out . I would recommend this site !"

A GFS Member
Dog mom

"Interestingly it didn't take long at all for me to be matched with a super, kind warm hearted woman. We are such close friends now that thinking back to our first meeting ever feels like a lifetime ago. We get together with and without our SOs she lives just one city over from me that makes it easy to visit and when we can't see each other we text lots of love."

Recreation Worker

"My name is Erica I'm a mom of a 2 year old son and I can honestly say I'm so happy I joined this site cause I have talked and met up with some awesome girls :-) "

Stay at home mom

"I love GFS! I've talked to a few awesome women on here."

Not employed ATM :(

"I joined GFS in hopes of finding my "bestie"/ "soul sister" type of lady and this site led me straight to her! I'm so happy I joined - I love this girl to the moon and back. We share so much in common, and both were looking for a real connection, a real friendship, and we found it. Now I'm a bridesmaid in her wedding! I've found a life-long friend."


"I wish I had heard of GFS sooner! This site is amazing. It's been so hard to find friends my age with the same hobbies and interests until GFS! I'm chatting online with ladies from all over and local. I've met for lunch and mani/pedis, and I'm texting some that I've really clicked with. I love that I can move at my own pace. I can choose when, and if, I want to move things to meeting in person, texting etc. You just have to be willing to put some effort into chatting to get to know people better. Just moved or lost touch with old friends? I highly recommend GFS!"


" I am very blessed to have found this site it helped especially with the pandemic going on I was able to really connect with other females as this is a hard time for us all. It gave me hope after all with that being said I met 2 good females. Thank you!"

A GFS Member
School district

"I signed up 1month ago and already met up with a few people. Nice site and I hope to find more new friends soon."


"so far i love gfs , hoping to make as many girlfriends as possible =)"

A GFS Member
Admin Assistant

"I love girlfriend social. I met 2 wonderful ladies on here and after 2 years they are really really close friends still..... Actually all 3 of us are friends. One actually became my roommate lol. Can't rave about this site enough! Good luck "friending". "


"I am delighted to share that I have been able to befriend a really nice person who has a lot in common with me. We are having so much fun sharing our life stories. We live too far away to meet but our pen pal relationship continues to grow each week. Don't give up. friendships here can happen. "

A GFS Member

"I have only been on this site for a couple days n have met(chatted) with a couple really nice ladies, hopefully we can become really good friends and hangout someday, thank you!!"

Home Health aide

"I must say this is a great site to get to meet very nice ladies and I have had learning enlightening experiences. I met some wonderful people and had a great click with a local lady who is a wonderful friend and we have exchanged many texts and had some one on ones. We also exchanged Christmas cards and I am looking forward to our friendship growing. I hope to make many more wonderful friends here since everyone can always make more friends. I also met a long distant texting pal who I enjoy "chatting" with."

Semi Retired Teacher