Oprah.com discusses the need for female friendships

 Amanda Blain

As women go through life things can cause the gal pals in our life to become few and far between! That is the whole reason that the girlfriend social website was created.

Recently we noticed an article on Oprah.com by Rachel Bertsche that discussed this very topic.

“When I moved from New York City to Chicago to live with my boyfriend, now husband, I knew I was making sacrifices.. I was also, I knew, leaving most of my friends. What I learned, too quickly, is that friend-making is not the natural process it was back when we made friends in the sandbox, or even the dorm room.” says Bertsche.

And boy is she right! It’s much more difficult once you reach a certain age, move, or just regular old life to cause you to look at your life and friendships. Girlfriend Social was created with this need in mind. Invest some time into yourself. Become a member for free today and start expanding your female social circle.

Read the whole fabulous Oprah.com article here