A Quick Fix?

 Amanda Blain

Its now the “in thing” to take full advantage of quick fix convenient no-waiting solutions for nearly every area of life. Having to wait in line at the grocery store or DMV inevitably brings out the social media ravings and Twitter quips. People demand fast fixes to problem cars and problem people, and the experience of growing up has been reduced to a snapshot of how well children conform to some predefined model. Teachers expect compliance, parents demand their children grow up fast without too many bumps in the road, and those creative enough or gifted enough or broken enough are at best ignored.

I need to fix my problem fast!

Got a headache? There’s a pill for that.

Hungry? There’s fast food for that.

Have a question? There’s wiki for that.

Feeling ignored in your marriage? There’s an attorney for that.

Tired of your wardrobe? There’s an online store for that.

Too confused to eat a balanced diet? There’s a supplement for that.

Feeling shy? There’s a drink for that.

Financially overextended? There’s a loan for that.

Carrying baggage from your past? There’s a group for that.

Feeling lonely? There’s a phone number for that.

Bored? There’s a show for that.

Have a problem child? There’s a quick fix for that.

Lost? There’s an app for that.

I need help!

Got a headache? Take a look at your life. What stresses need to be adjusted?

Hungry? Intentionally eat well, plan your meals in advance, let meal time be a time to fill up both physically and emotionally.

Have a question? Build relationships with people who will enhance your life, read books, reach outside of your comfort zone and learn something new.

Feeling ignored in your marriage? Take the time necessary to build a strong foundation, to heal wounds, and to accept imperfections in your partner.

Tired of your wardrobe? Go through your clothing and donate what you no longer wear. Find ways to volunteer and make a difference in your community.

Too confused to eat a balanced diet? Take time to educate yourself, take a cooking class, ask a friend for help. Your body is the only one you’ll get – treat it with respect.

Feeling shy? There’s nothing wrong with that. And if you’d like to change how to interact with others, it will take time and practice and courage to make a real change.

Financially overextended? Cut up the credit cards, create a budget, ask someone for help who has learned how to live within their means, and be willing to feel uncomfortable as you downsize your life.

Carrying baggage from your past? Like a broken bone healing, there is no quick fix. Emotional healing takes time, tenacity, and a willingness to sometimes just stand still and hurt.

Feeling lonely? Take time to develop real relationships with people. Get help if you see a pattern of jumping into quick fix scenarios that leave you empty.

Bored? Turn off the television and move! Get out and take a walk, volunteer at a local animal shelter or soup kitchen, take a dance class.

Have a problem child? There is no quick fix here either. Problem children are just children. Yours is precious. Find the gift within the pain, and get help with the process of discovering how best to help your child.

Lost? Okay. There’s an app for that.

Your turn